
Tips + Tricks

N.01 - Our best seller that is meant to take away brassiness and restore blonde. Because it is on the cooler side (ashy) sometimes when left on for the full 15 minutes it can make the hair appear to be a half a shade darker due to the way ashy tones reflect light. We find that the best results for our N.01 come from leaving it on for 7 minutes especially for our bright blondes.
N.02 - Different than N.01, our N.02 restores golden tones back into the hair. If you like to be extra bright, we recommend leaving it on for 7 minutes. If you are one of our brondes or a blonde that likes to have a little more golden pigment (think expensive blonde vibes) the full 15 minutes is perfect for you.
N.03 and N.04 - For optimal results with our brunettes we find that leaving the gloss on for the full 15 minutes is best to make sure that the pigment deposits fully onto your hair. 
***Pro-tip for all of our glosses, but especially our brunettes, remember to use a darker towel/ linens while applying if you are applying out of the shower as it can stain white linens!